The Goals and Objectives of the Greater Towson Committee is to help improve the business climate of the Greater Towson core by organizing its corporate and civic leadership to develop solutions to any problems that may affect our region’s viability.


The GTC membership is generally made up of those organizations that own commercial real estate or operate a business within the core of Towson or its environs.

Organizations that own commercial real estate in the core of Towson shall be eligible for membership in the Corporation by virtue of their property ownership and organizations that operate a business in the core of Towson shall be appointed as Members by a majority of the Corporation’s Board of Directors



Planning and Development

The committee is responsible for monitoring and recommending to the GTC membership any appropriate action and/or statements of position on development as well as legislation impacting Towson.


Contact: Jason Vettori at

Government Relations


Create a constant dialogue between the GTC and County officials and their staff. Present ideas recommended by the GTC to County and State officials. Provide updates and status reports by the County and State officials to the GTC Membership.


Contact:  Jen Busse at







How to get involved:

2017/2018 Membership Application
Final Membership Application Form 7-20-1[...]
Microsoft Excel sheet [15.9 KB]
2017/2018 Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities
FINAL 2012 07 20 GTC Corporate Sponsorsh[...]
Microsoft Word document [34.4 KB]

Upcoming Public Events

Membership and 

Committee Meetings -

October General Member-ship

Meeting - 






19th Annual

Golf Tournament


May 9, 2021

Elkridge Club

Get Social with Us!

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© The Greater Towson Committee